svētdiena, 2014. gada 9. februāris

Diagnoze un zāle un zāļu pētniecība


Adjustment disorders
States of subjective distress and emotional disturbance, usually interfering with social functioning and performance, arising in the period of adaptation to a significant life change or a stressful life event. The stressor may have affected the integrity of an individual's social network (bereavement, separation experiences) or the wider system of social supports and values (migration, refugee status), or represented a major developmental transition or crisis (going to school, becoming a parent, failure to attain a cherished personal goal, retirement). Individual predisposition or vulnerability plays an important role in the risk of occurrence and the shaping of the manifestations of adjustment disorders, but it is nevertheless assumed that the condition would not have arisen without the stressor. The manifestations vary and include depressed mood, anxiety or worry (or mixture of these), a feeling of inability to cope, plan ahead, or continue in the present situation, as well as some degree of disability in 9the performance of daily routine. Conduct disorders may be an associated feature, particularly in adolescents. The predominant feature may be a brief or prolonged depressive reaction, or a disturbance of other emotions and conduct.
Culture shock
Grief reaction
Hospitalism in children
separation anxiety disorder of childhood (F93.0)

Redz, cik laba ir asinszāle. Tās darbīgā viela ir - domājams - trīskāršais par depresiju atbildīgo neirotransmiteru uzsūkšanās aizkavētājs. Tādu jau ilgi meklē.
Nu, būs jāpamēģina divas nedēļas nodzert..vēl ir laiks izmēģināt, kamēr stacionārā liks kādu Prozac vai tml.dzert. Pēc divām nedēļām taču vajadzētu būt efektam..

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